Episode 25: New Name and Logo!


We're back! After a 3 month break, we're back with a new name and logo! Dean has stepped away from the show to focus on some other things, so Kyle is joining Pat as the new cohost. We give you a bit of a roadmap of where the show is going and some of the things we have coming up! Join us for this short episode and say hello to Kyle!

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  • Pat: 0:01

    Hey everybody. Welcome back to this week's edition of, so you want to be in it. This is not an actual official episode this week, this is just more of a what's coming up for us on this show on this podcast. We've been on a break for a couple of months while I adjusted to life as a family of four had my daughter back in early March. And so I've been adjusting and not getting much sleep and, you know, being a dad. Two kids instead of now just one. So, here we are coming out of our hibernation and that we just wanted to give you a little update on. What things are going on here. We are going to rebrand a little bit. Our content is not changing. We're still hitting our core audience and helping those that are wanting to be in it and being a liaison and an insider to that world. But we, aren't going to put a fresh coat of paint on us. Right. So we're going to changed the name of the show and then obviously change the logo to the show. Dean has actually moved on from the show. Dean is still a good friend of mine. We talk almost every day. We are Cisco nerves at heart, right? So we go back and forth you know, quite a few times, but Dean is just busy at the moment with other things job and family and things of that interest. So, he's going to step back. And which is totally fine. He's welcome back. Anytime on this show wouldn't be what it is without Dean. So, we really appreciate Dean and his time with the show moving forward I have another co-host here. Kyle, if you remember, he was on the show, a few episodes back And he is graciously stepped in to fill the role of deans, some big shoes to fill. So, Kyle and I are going to take the show forward as the new duo. And so I guess I'll let you say say hello to Kyle. So HCA what's going on, man.

    Kyle: 1:41

    Hey, what's going on. There should be a fun, fun thing to continue on with you guys had a lot of momentum and, you know, doing some great stuff out here.

    Pat: 1:50

    Yeah, we did. I figured that it was it was really good. And we first and foremost to thank the it community the response that Dean and I have had and the encouragement and all that stuff that we've gotten. Countless people both from a show perspective and from, you know, some of the, under the covers things to make this podcast work this has been tremendous. So we really owe them a huge thank you to kind of grow in this show and tweaking it to what it is. So, thank you to everybody there. And thank you to the listeners, obviously. Listeners we wouldn't be here and keep going. So, thank you to that as well. So a couple of new things for the show trying to do more of for the show. I shouldn't say new, but try to do more of at least get better at consistency wise. Be better at blogging is one thing I think we could benefit from I do some blogging not a whole lot, but I do try to want to get better at that. Both from a professional perspective and then obviously from a show perspective as well. We also want to get better at. Connecting directly with you folks. So whether that's through discord or email or Twitter, any of our socials we want to get better at that. So we're trying to grow the discord channel and we want to have some sort of type of like open office hours, right. So pick a day during a week or a weekend, whatever, and say, okay, look, you know, from one to two or whatever, that timeframe. Well, we're going to be hanging out in our discord server in one of the voice channels, you'd come chat with us and if questions or you want us to look over something or whatever whether that be a resume or your, whatever, you just it's an open door, right? A virtual open door. We'd like to, we'd like to start that and get better at that. And then just a little more consistency and that makes a things on our backend run a little smoother. So, we want to be better in the social space, especially on Twitter. We seem to have a nice grasp of folks and a big audience there on Twitter. So, trying to get more on Twitter and more feedback from you guys surveys, things of that nature, what you like, what you don't like. Cause again, the show is it's about you guys and gals out there trying to make your way through this crazy, you know, it life. So I'm just trying. More open for everyone there and whoever wants to, and you know, but we have some great content coming up. Kyle and I discussed some topics last couple of weeks and really have some good solid content. We have plenty of guests which is another crazy thing that, you know, this podcast has given us a tremendous opportunity to talk to. Fascinating people both in the technical space and in supporting roles from a technical perspective. So we've met some great people. People reach out to us all the time. Hey, if you need to do the gas, stop, be willing to come on, blah, blah, blah. And we never thought any of that. We always thought we'd have to scour the pipeline for guests and beg, borrow, and plead for somebody that come on for an hour with us. So that is not been the case. People have been really knocking down the door. So, we will get to everybody. But we have some really great guests lined up and again, Carla fresh voice and some fresh perspective and moving forward. So, Kyle, anything you want to add there? The floor is yours my friend

    Kyle: 5:00

    Yeah. I mean, I hope we keep delivering awesome content for everybody want to tune in, you know, and we think each and every listener because. Really kind of give us somebody to, to help along the way. You know, we were we were there 1.2.

    Pat: 5:16

    We were actually, that brings me a good point. Kyle and I were actually college. From way back. So, and we just it's weird how that happens. Right? Cause we have a couple of buddies that we sort of talked to have a core group that have stayed in touch for the last umpteen years since we've been in college. So, yeah that's a rare thing nowadays to, you know, to be friends for this long and. You know, kinda come full circle. So, no it's been good. And you know, a little more polished to the show. You'll hear an actual intro for the new show. Actually another college buddy who's dipping his toes into the voiceover world. So he's actually gonna record our intro for us. So shout out to Mike, who is you'll hear going forward on all of our episodes that said the music that you've heard. So just a little more Polish, a little more professionalism from us. So we're gonna move the stick a little forward and just keep grinding out. I appreciate everybody's time. Listen, this was going to be a short run, obviously, just to kind of give you an update on where we're at and really appreciate it by listening and stay tuned for the next couple of weeks. We are coming back with some you know, weekly episode drops. We'll be returning right every Tuesday. You'll get them in your feeds when you wake up you know, bright and early. So, be on the lookout. Other than that, come and find us on Twitter. Or, you know, so you want to be an it.com. That's all of our socials are right there. Come hang out, come say hello, welcome Kyle. With open arms, he's got a lot of knowledge, a lot of cool stuff that he's got to bring it to the table and we can't wait to hear it. And catch you guys in a bit.


Episode 26: Free to Low-Cost Material


Episode 24: Really Breaking In with Zach Hill